Welcome to the Cornucopia Club
Greater financial empowerment has the potential to metaphorically grow the personal ‘cornucopias’ of all women. Welcome to the Cornucopia Club!

Cornucopia comes from the Latin word cornu copiae, which translates literally as ‘horn of plenty’.
The Eastwood Community Centre’s Cornucopia Club aims to deliver and promote a range of education and training programs and events designed to help women achieve abundance in all areas of their life through financial empowerment.
The highly successful Cornucopia 2022 Conference attended by over 110 women was just one of these events.
The Club will also provide a central repository of information and resources to support these activities, creating a ‘one-stop’ shop for women wishing to build their financial capabilities.
The team at Eastwood Community Centre would like to acknowledge the grant funding from the SA Department of Human Services which has made this entire initiative possible.
why is developing financial capability important for women?
Financial capability is directly linked to improved financial security, wellbeing and less financial stress for women.
Being financially secure increases women’s access to opportunities such as technology, education, employment and housing, while enabling them to be active contributors to the economy and broader society. It also allows women to have control over their own lives, time and bodies, and an increased sense of voice and agency.
However, recent research indicates that only half of South Australia’s women were financially literate, compared to approximately two thirds of men. Women over the age of 50 and young women in particular are finding financial matters overwhelming and hard to understand. In some cases, this can lead to financial abuse in the context of family and domestic violence and financial elder abuse in the case of older women.
Improving the financial and economic security of women of all ages and socio-economic background must therefore be of utmost importance and a priority area for action on behalf of governments, enterprises, the not-for-profit sector and the broader community.
The Cornucopia Club is Eastwood Community Centre’s small, but not insignificant contribution to the achievement of this goal and will continue to seed further learning and personal financial development opportunities for women in the local Eastwood community and beyond.