Protect Yourself From Financial Abuse
Financial abuse is unfortunately very prevalent across Australian society. Its impacts and costs for both victims and the broader community are deep and wide. It is an issue that needs urgent attention and proactive strategies to address.

‘Keeping the Wolves from the Door’, © Bev Puckridge, 2022
Financial abuse is widespread across Australian society, including across different age groups and levels of socioeconomic advantage. This means that there is no ‘typical’ victim of financial abuse.
Financial abuse is a form of Domestic and Family Violence (DFV), alongside other forms of violence or abuse including physical and sexual violence, emotional and psychological abuse and other controlling behaviours.
Financial abuse often occurs in the context of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), perpetrated by a victim’s current or former intimate partner and within a context of ‘coercive control’.
However, financial abuse may also occur outside of IPV relationationships. Older people, persons with a disability or mental illness, and individuals who are socially isolated or experiencing vulnerability, are often the targets of financial abuse.
This topic aims to raise awareness and understanding of the insideous and prevalent nature of financial abuse across our community, so that women in particular, can minimise the risks and negative impacts associated with financial abuse.
KEY Learning Areas
This Topic features four Key Areas of Learning. These areas have been designed to provide an introduction to the respective issue, not an indepth exploration or analysis. However, recommendations for further reading and information have been provided (where relevant) if you wish to access more detailed information.
To access each of the Key Learning Areas, just click on the respective image. Each Learning Area is stand alone, so you don’t need to work through them in any particular order.
We trust you find this topic informative and empowering.
This Cornucopia Club Learning Centre Topic has been authored by Jenny McCormick, Movers&Shakers © 2023.